Every one has a goal, one day you have to take the first step in achieving it..here is some tips that will help to to keep trying until you achieve what you dreamt about.
1) Know your goal.
You can't achieve a goal until you know what exactly is it..dont' use general words as "my goal is to be great person"..."my goal is to be a scientist".."by goal is to start my own business" but instead say; "my goal is to stop doing -a list of things- and begin doing - a list of other things-"
"my goal is to be a geological scientist" or "my goal is to start my real estate investment company" for example. Try to be specific.
2) Make a plan.
I mean a real plan with specific steps you can really do. No goal will be achieved by chance, but with a knitted plan.
Don't depend on chances as " I know a friend of mine who has a real estate office, I'll ask him to help me". but instead search for the required steps that you should do to start as finding an office to rent, making a clients list, etc..
3) Keep your passion.
In the Beginning you will be super excited, then your passion will decrease gradually, you should keep your sprites up until you achieve your goal.
Encourage yourself by many ways, print motivational quotes and hang it in your wall, keep reading in the same field, also have some rest to get inspired.
4) Share you goal with some one.
I share my thoughts with my sister, she always supports me, and remind me of my goal, you too should surround yourself with positive people who will encourage you and be by your side.
5) You will fail.
Yes! definitely we will fail for few times, but you know what, Only those who dare to fail greatly can ever achieve greatly.
bear in your mind that you will not succeed from the first time, don't be disappointed, that's how life is going.
6) Modify your plan.
Your plan isn't a holy book...you can modify it whenever you want in order to commensurate with the new circumstances.
7) Never think you are done.
The small steps in your journey is great, but don't let these steps make you lazy, these steps are only the beginning, if you don't continue it will remain "steps" but you have to complete your whole journey to achieve your goal.
8) Listen, but not to every body.
Listen for people who have past experience that will help you in your journey, avoid the mistakes they made, but don't ever listen for any negative person who only disappoint you, you will find lots of them, so don't give them your attention.
9) Visualize yourself achieving the goal.
That works with me so much! whenever I feel disappointed I visualize myself achieving the goal, when I taste how it feel, I know it worth working hard
10) Have some rest.
A common mistake that people do that they work all the day, with no rest, no hanging out with family and friends, to T.V no music no any way of entertainment, and they think that by this way they will achieve their goal quickly, but let me say that they are doing it wrong, they will be so bored soon and they will quit!
You must have some time for yourself, this will help you to continue, and to get inspired.
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